We are trying to update our state’s surrogate data using ‘Surrogate tool DB’ with the PostgreSQL.
After clearing some Postgres errors with the help of our server Admin, I am still encountering issues running the tutorial part, starting from ‘load_shapefile_reproject_multi.quickstart.csh’.
(1) — The message I get from above run is —
free(): invalid pointer
Abort (core dumped)
Finished loading shapefile: /aqstorage/models/Tools/SurrogateToolsDB/data/emiss_shp2017/Census/cb_2017_us_county_500k.shp
NOTICE: index “cb_2017_us_county_500k_geom_900921_idx” does not exist, skipping
free(): invalid pointer
Abort (core dumped)
Finished loading shapefile: /aqstorage/models/Tools/SurrogateToolsDB/data/emiss_shp2017/Census/acs2016_5yr_bg.shp
NOTICE: index “acs2016_5yr_bg_geom_900921_idx” does not exist, skipping
— // —
(2) By ignoring the above ‘Abort (core dumped)’ message, I run ‘generate_modeling_grid.sh’
---- Message is —
==== Creating public.us12k_516x444
ERROR: function st_makeemptyraster(integer, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer) does not exist
LINE 4: ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(516, 444, -2952000, -2772000…
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
==== Finished creating public.us12k_516x444
— // —
(3) Again, I went to run the next step: ‘run_pg_srgcreate.quickstart.csh’. It completed the run to seem normally without any error returned, but no result was output. Please see attached messages.
srg_12US3.txt (3.5 KB)
srgcreat_quickstart.txt (4.6 KB)
USA_100_NOFILL.txt (509 Bytes)
ldshfl_quickstart3.txt (544 Bytes)
your support, as always, is appreciated!