Linux-gnu version of Surrogate Tool DB

We are trying to update our state’s surrogate data using ‘Surrogate tool DB’ with the PostgreSQL.
After clearing some Postgres errors with the help of our server Admin, I am still encountering issues running the tutorial part, starting from ‘load_shapefile_reproject_multi.quickstart.csh’.
(1) — The message I get from above run is —
free(): invalid pointer
Abort (core dumped)
Finished loading shapefile: /aqstorage/models/Tools/SurrogateToolsDB/data/emiss_shp2017/Census/cb_2017_us_county_500k.shp
NOTICE: index “cb_2017_us_county_500k_geom_900921_idx” does not exist, skipping
free(): invalid pointer
Abort (core dumped)
Finished loading shapefile: /aqstorage/models/Tools/SurrogateToolsDB/data/emiss_shp2017/Census/acs2016_5yr_bg.shp
NOTICE: index “acs2016_5yr_bg_geom_900921_idx” does not exist, skipping
— // —
(2) By ignoring the above ‘Abort (core dumped)’ message, I run ‘’
---- Message is —
==== Creating public.us12k_516x444
ERROR: function st_makeemptyraster(integer, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer) does not exist
LINE 4: ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(516, 444, -2952000, -2772000…
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
==== Finished creating public.us12k_516x444
— // —

(3) Again, I went to run the next step: ‘run_pg_srgcreate.quickstart.csh’. It completed the run to seem normally without any error returned, but no result was output. Please see attached messages.

srg_12US3.txt (3.5 KB)
srgcreat_quickstart.txt (4.6 KB)
USA_100_NOFILL.txt (509 Bytes)
ldshfl_quickstart3.txt (544 Bytes)

your support, as always, is appreciated!

You’re running into multiple errors that unfortunately point to issues with your Postgres and PostGIS installation. From web searches, the “free(): invalid pointer” error and subsequent core dump may be due to multiple versions of dependencies installed simultaneously. These errors can’t be ignored as it means the shapefiles haven’t been loaded properly.

Next, the error when generating the modeling grid indicates that the PostGIS raster extension hasn’t been installed for your surrogates database (CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster;). Again, this error can’t be ignored because the grid needs to be set up before surrogates can be generated.