How to see total NOx emissions from SMOKE output file for a cell

I am reading the TSD of emissions processing from here

For 12US2 runs, SMOKE outfile were processed to be CAMx ready . For example, a ‘mrgpt’ file per day was created.

Lets say, I want to sum of NOx emissions from that file for a specific cell number of 12US2 greid, what tool/process I need to use?

Thanks in advance

Although we have not tried these, there are some publicly available utilities to do this from the CAMx support site:

It seems like camx2ioapi.8apr16.tgz or camx2ncf3d_pts.30apr22.tgz would work for getting the binary mrgpt file to gridded format.

Once you have a gridded netCDF or I/O API, you can use netCDF operators or PAVE/VERDI to probe individual grid cells and get daily total NOX for a particular 12US2 cell.

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…you can use netCDF operators or PAVE/VERDI to probe individual grid cells and get daily total NOX for a particular 12US2 cell.

Or you can use M3Tools program m3probe to build ASCII time series files for a selected set of (subscript specified) points for selected variables (e.g., NOx).

(If you’re working from a 3-D emissions file, use M3Tools program vertot to get a 2-D grided file of vertical-column totals before runnning m3probe.)

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