I’m working on CMAQ-DDM-3D v5.4. Before that, I have run CCTM scripts without DDM-3D and ISAM greatly. The error log showed “forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit -5, file Internal List-Directed Read”.
Is there anything wrong with my sensinput file?
Its possible that the character string for the species is too long. I can show you how to allow for more text in that read statement.
But first, another problem could be the use of too many characters in the sensitivity parameter name. We are recommending only 3 characters to accommodate the much longer chemical species names in current mechanisms and still stay within the IOAPI species names character limitations.
So, where you have EVOCOT, EVOCCI, and EVOCAL, it could be reading all three as “EVO”
You could just try “COT” “CCI” and “CAL” and come back and let me know if that was enough to get through.
If not, please, post original sensinput.dat without the forum formatting and we can go from there.
Glad for your suggestions. I tried 3 characters names and the same errores existed. Then, I tried to use “ALL” as the species and it worked. So, the errors are possible caused by the length of the species string.
The sensinput file: sensinput.2019ci.dat.txt (1023 Bytes)