Laypoint error with NEI point source using smoke

Using NEI Platform 2015 and smoke 4.5(precompiled with platform)

I am trying to run the point sector with layering / Laypoint instead of inline.
I ran ptfire daily and an error is shown in the output:

ERROR: At least one message’s priority is less than or equal to the exit priority: 1
ERROR: Level 1 errors or Level 0 warnings found. Check log files, fix inputs, and rerun.

ptfire_daily_output.txt (12.7 KB)
ptfire_onetime_output copy.txt (10.2 KB)

The ptfire one time file ran successfully, but it seems that I am missing the file for the daily to run. I only have the libioapi.a file under the ioapi directory. The log file for laypoint does not exist.

The scripts for ptfire onetime and daily are provided below.
Annual_ptfire_daily_12US2_2015fd_cb6_15j.csh (6.1 KB)
Annual_ptfire_onetime_12US2_2015fd_cb6_15j.csh (6.1 KB)

Is there somewhere I can download the library?

We found that laypoint is not statically linked in that package. We have posted a statically linked version of this and the other executables here:
We also posted a full package that includes both executables and scripts to Index of /Air/emismod/2014/v2
Hopefully this solves your issue.

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The missing file issue was fixed.
However, it seems I have another error with laypoint. I have attached the scripts, laypoint log file, and the output files for both one time and dialy for ptfire. I am not sure what the error is because it does not state anything in the log file. I am not sure why it is not producing the layering/Laypoint gridded files.

The onetime ptfire runs successfully, whereas the daily ptfire output file shows:

Testing for exit priority <= 1
ERROR: At least one message’s priority is less than or equal to the exit priority: 1
ERROR: Level 1 errors or Level 0 warnings found. Check log files, fix inputs, and rerun.

The “ptmp_ptfire_aug_2015fd_cb6_15j_2015225.ncf” for example has these dimensions:

TSTEP = UNLIMITED ; // (25 currently)
LAY = 1 ;
VAR = 11 ;
ROW = 288864 ;
COL = 1 ;

ptfire_O_S.txt (10.2 KB)
ptfire_D.txt (15.4 KB)
Annual_ptfire_daily_12US2_2015fd_cb6_15j.csh (6.1 KB)
Annual_ptfire_onetime_12US2_2015fd_cb6_15j.csh (6.1 KB)
laypoint_ptfire_aug_2015fd_cb6_15j_20150801_12US2.log.txt (18.7 KB)

Thank you for your help!

It looks like Laypoint seg faulted. We noticed that you set SMK_EMLAYS (number of layers in the output) to 4, even though your met data has 33 layers. We aren’t certain what happens if you set SMK_EMLAYS to a number other than what are in your met data. Can you try setting SMK_EMLAYS to 33?

I tried setting the SMK_EMLAYS to 33 and I got the same error for the daily run.

I have attached the output, log file and the script.
laypoint_ptfire_aug_2015fd_cb6_15j_20150801_12US2.log.txt (18.7 KB)
ptfire_D.txt (15.4 KB)
Annual_ptfire_daily_12US2_2015fd_cb6_15j.csh (6.1 KB)

We noticed that you are running for 3-D processing, and the script settings are all correct based on the direction that is given in the README.

Unless you’ve already run this for inline processing, we suggest trying to run for inline processing first (i.e. with the original settings from the package) just to make sure the problem is specific to Laypoint / 3-D processing. Sometimes, issues with fire inventories or temporalization can cause problems in Laypoint

I gave inline processing a try, and I encountered no errors during the onetime run. However, when I attempted the daily execution of ptfire, I did encounter some error in the output file. I have attached the output files for both scenarios for your reference. Upon thorough inspection of the logs, I’m pleased to report that apart from the aforementioned errors during the daily run, the logs show successful completion without any issues.

The ptfire in the smoke_out directory has these files in the screenshot:

ptfire_Daily.txt (296.0 KB)
ptfire_Onetime.txt (10.2 KB)

I am not sure whether the error I saw is something I should be concerned about. But, seeing as the Laypoint/3D had an error, I am not sure how to address the error for the daily run of ptfire. I would still like to successfully run the Laypoint/3D processing. Any guidance is much appreciated!

It is difficult to diagnose what is happening here. The packaged version of SMOKE should work, but sometimes it doesn’t due to the system environment. We suggest trying a more recent SMOKE version to see if the problem gets resolved. The v5.0 should work with the inventories:

Another option to consider is recompiling on your system.

I tried to use the smoke v5.0 and got an error during the daily run of ptfire. I have attached the output files. The log showed the error:

WARNING in subroutine CHKFIL3
Inconsistent file attribute NROWS for file INLN
Value from file: 1951
Value from caller: 1954
Could not open file set “INLN”.

*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine OPENMRGOUT
Could not open file set “INLN”.

ptfire_D.txt (118.9 KB)
smkmerge_ptfire_aug_2015fd_cb6_15j_20150812_12US2_cmaq_cb6.log.txt (24.4 KB)
ptfire_O.txt (10.2 KB)
Annual_ptfire_daily_12US2_2015fd_cb6_15j.csh (6.0 KB)
Annual_ptfire_onetime_12US2_2015fd_cb6_15j.csh (6.0 KB)
ASSIGNS.emf.txt (32.8 KB)

Log says it: the file does not have the expected dimensions, and is therefore probably from an inconsistent set of processing or different case.

Based on the error, it looks like you may have a leftover INLN file from a previous run.

We suggest deleting the old INLN files first if there are any and trying again.