I’m using mcip 5.1 with wrfout files in a mercator projection. Everything runs ok, but when I check the mcip output file headers the projection is set to equatorial mercator, and the true lat. has been changed to zero.
The code below is from setgriddefs.f90
! The map projection types in I/O API are:
! 1: LATGRD for lat-lon coordinates
! 2: LAMGRD for Lambert coordinates
! 3: MERGRD for Mercator coordinates
! 4: STEGRD for Stereographic coordinates
! 5: UTMGRD for UTM coordinates
! 6: POLGRD for polar stereographic coordinates
! 7: EQMGRD for equatorial Mercator coordinates
! 8: TRMGRD for transverse Mercator coordinates
! 9: ALBGRD for Albers equal-area conic
! 10: LEQGRD for Lambert azimuthal equal-area
IF ( met_mapproj == 1 ) THEN ! Lambert conformal
gdtyp_gd = lamgrd3
ELSE IF ( met_mapproj == 2 ) THEN ! polar stereographic
gdtyp_gd = polgrd3
ELSE IF ( met_mapproj == 3 ) THEN ! equatorial Mercator
gdtyp_gd = eqmgrd3
WRITE (*,f9275) TRIM(pname), met_mapproj
CALL graceful_stop (pname)
The IF section seems at odds with the grid type definitions above. Has this been set deliberately for mcip to only output equatorial mercator rather that standard mercator projections, or is this an error in the code?
Many thanks for any help,