MCIP doesn't create files such as METDOT / METCRO

Hi, I’m a new user! I’m facing an error while running mcip. It doesn’t create files such as: Metdot, Metcro, Soicro like in the script. It only creates mcip, mcip_bdy and GRIDDESC

set APPL       = 230125
set CoordName  = LamCon_40N_97W    # 16-character maximum
set GridName   = SE52BENCH        # 16-character maximum

set DataPath   = /home/emslab/Build_WRF/WRF/run
set InMetDir   = $DataPath
set InGeoDir   = /home/emslab/Build_WRF/WPS
set OutDir     = /home/emslab/Downloads/CMAQ_5.3.1/CMAQ-master/PREP/mcip/
set ProgDir    = /home/emslab/Downloads/CMAQ_5.3.1/CMAQ-master/PREP/mcip/src
set WorkDir    = $OutDir
# Set name(s) of input meteorology file(s)
#   File name(s) must be set inside parentheses since "InMetFiles" is
#   a C-shell script array.  Multiple file names should be space-
#   delimited.  Additional lines can be used when separated by a
#   back-slash (\) continuation marker.  The file names can be as
#   they appear on your system; MCIP will link the files in by a
#   Fortran unit number and the explicit name via a namelist.  The
#   files must be listed in chronological order.  The maximum number
#   of input meteorology files must be less than or equal to the number
#   in MAX_MM in file_mod.F (default is 367).
#   Example:
#     set InMetFiles = ( $InMetDir/wrfout_d01_date1 \
#                        $InMetDir/wrfout_d01_date2 )

set InMetFiles = ( $InMetDir/wrfout_d03_2023-01-01_00:00:00)

set IfGeo      = "F"
set InGeoFile  = $InGeoDir/

# Set user control options.
#   LPV:     0 = Do not compute and output potential vorticity
#            1 = Compute and output potential vorticity
#   LWOUT:   0 = Do not output vertical velocity
#            1 = Output vertical velocity
#   LUVBOUT: 0 = Do not output u- and v-component winds on B-grid
#            1 = Output u- and v-component winds on B-grid (cell corner)
#                in addition to the C-grid (cell face) output

set LPV     = 0
set LWOUT   = 0
set LUVBOUT = 1

# Set run start and end date.  (YYYY-MO-DD-HH:MI:SS.SSSS)
#   MCIP_START:  First date and time to be output [UTC]
#   MCIP_END:    Last date and time to be output  [UTC]
#   INTVL:       Frequency of output [minutes]

set MCIP_START = 2023-01-01-01:00:00.0000  # [UTC]
set MCIP_END   = 2023-01-01-06:00:00.0000  # [UTC]

set INTVL      = 60 # [min]

# Choose output format.
#   1 = Models-3 I/O API
#   2 = netCDF

set IOFORM = 2

setenv EXECUTION_ID         $PROG

setenv GRID_BDY_2D          $OutDir/GRIDBDY2D_${APPL}.nc
setenv GRID_CRO_2D          $OutDir/GRIDCRO2D_${APPL}.nc
setenv GRID_DOT_2D          $OutDir/GRIDDOT2D_${APPL}.nc
setenv MET_BDY_3D           $OutDir/METBDY3D_${APPL}.nc
setenv MET_CRO_2D           $OutDir/METCRO2D_${APPL}.nc
setenv MET_CRO_3D           $OutDir/METCRO3D_${APPL}.nc
setenv MET_DOT_3D           $OutDir/METDOT3D_${APPL}.nc
setenv LUFRAC_CRO           $OutDir/LUFRAC_CRO_${APPL}.nc
setenv SOI_CRO              $OutDir/SOI_CRO_${APPL}.nc
setenv MOSAIC_CRO           $OutDir/MOSAIC_CRO_${APPL}.nc

if ( -f $GRID_BDY_2D ) rm -f $GRID_BDY_2D
if ( -f $GRID_CRO_2D ) rm -f $GRID_CRO_2D
if ( -f $GRID_DOT_2D ) rm -f $GRID_DOT_2D
if ( -f $MET_BDY_3D  ) rm -f $MET_BDY_3D
if ( -f $MET_CRO_2D  ) rm -f $MET_CRO_2D
if ( -f $MET_CRO_3D  ) rm -f $MET_CRO_3D
if ( -f $MET_DOT_3D  ) rm -f $MET_DOT_3D
if ( -f $LUFRAC_CRO  ) rm -f $LUFRAC_CRO
if ( -f $SOI_CRO     ) rm -f $SOI_CRO
if ( -f $MOSAIC_CRO  ) rm -f $MOSAIC_CRO

if ( -f $OutDir/      ) rm -f $OutDir/
if ( -f $OutDir/  ) rm -f $OutDir/

The problem has been solved by changing

set IOFORM = 2


set IOFORM = 1
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