SMOKE error could not open MET_CRO_2D


I’m trying to run MCIP for Dec. 2017 to create Met files required by CMAQ’s onroad sectors.
The MCIP finishes with no error and generates these files in $OutDir:

However, after running onroad RPD sector in SMOKE, I receive this error:

 MET_CRO_2D      :/home/sen/cmaq/CMAQ_REPO/data/mcip/2017_12CONUS1/METCRO2D_171230
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine 
 File not available.
 Could not open file "MET_CRO_2D".
 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine OPENMRGIN
 Could not open file "MET_CRO_2D".

It seems SMOKE is looking for daily MET_CRO_2D files, while MCIP output file is only one file for the whole month.
Does anyone have any idea what I’m doing wrong? Also, my “run.mcip.csh” is attached.
Please let me know if you need more details.


run.mcip.csh (18.6 KB)

Hi Soroush,

The custom is to run mcip with start date and end date covering one day so that the output files do not get too large. The APPL environment variable is used in the naming of the MCIP output files.

set MCIP_START = 2016-07-02-00:00:00.0000  # [UTC]
set MCIP_END   = 2016-07-03-00:00:00.0000  # [UTC]

set APPL       = 160702

setenv GRID_BDY_2D          $OutDir/GRIDBDY2D_${APPL}.nc
setenv GRID_CRO_2D          $OutDir/GRIDCRO2D_${APPL}.nc
setenv GRID_DOT_2D          $OutDir/GRIDDOT2D_${APPL}.nc
setenv MET_BDY_3D           $OutDir/METBDY3D_${APPL}.nc
setenv MET_CRO_2D           $OutDir/METCRO2D_${APPL}.nc
setenv MET_CRO_3D           $OutDir/METCRO3D_${APPL}.nc
setenv MET_DOT_3D           $OutDir/METDOT3D_${APPL}.nc
setenv LUFRAC_CRO           $OutDir/LUFRAC_CRO_${APPL}.nc
setenv SOI_CRO              $OutDir/SOI_CRO_${APPL}.nc
setenv MOSAIC_CRO           $OutDir/MOSAIC_CRO_${APPL}.nc

I don’t think there should be an issue with having all of the output in the * file, but this may be tricky if SMOKE also needs meteorology from the month prior or month after to the 201712 month.

What do you see if you use the following command?

ncdump -h /home/sen/cmaq/CMAQ_REPO/data/mcip/2017_12CONUS1/METCRO2D_171230

Is the file at that location?
This error message makes me think that the issue is in the SMOKE run script that you are using.

Could not open file “MET_CRO_2D”.

Is the path to the MET_CRO_2D file defined correctly?

You are right that our SMOKE scripts look for files by day. I’m not sure how to generate day-specific files but others may be able to help with that.

Are you running on a different grid than 12US1 or 12US2? There are met files on CMAS Data Warehouse for 2017 I believe.

Thanks for the reply.
Yes, I’m running for 12US1 grid. So, I’ll check CMAS data Warehouse for 2017 met data, while keeping an eye here for any suggestions.

Can you modify the SMOKE script to use
setenv MET_CRO_2D /home/sen/cmaq/CMAQ_REPO/data/mcip/2017_12CONUS1/METCRO2D_1712
rather than
setenv MET_CRO_2D /home/sen/cmaq/CMAQ_REPO/data/mcip/2017_12CONUS1/METCRO2D_171230

No, there is no such file to use ncdump command for. However, when I enter ncdump command for, it shows:

TSTEP = UNLIMITED ; // (744 currently)
LAY = 1 ;
VAR = 35 ;
ROW = 297 ;
COL = 457 ;

Also, about the path to MET_CRO_2D, yes it is defined correctly. But there is only (no METCRO2D_171230).

I tried modifying MET_CRO_2D environment parameters in “smk_or_monthly_MOVES_emf.csh” and “smk_or_annual_forQA_MOVES_emf.csh” (I’m using NEI 2017 platform). I removed $locday from MET_CRO_2D path:


> 	if ($days_this_run > 1) then
> 	  if (! -e ${MET_ROOT}_${DAYS_PER_RUN}day/METCRO2D_$locyr2$locmon$locday) then
> 	     echo "ERROR: Multi-day METCRO2D file not found. Create multi-day METCRO2D files and store in $MET_ROOT/../[]_${DAYS_PER_RUN}day/ directory."
> 	     set exitstat = 1
> 	  else
>       	     setenv MET_CRO_2D  ${MET_ROOT}_${DAYS_PER_RUN}day/METCRO2D_$locyr2$locmon$locday
>       	     setenv MET_CRO_3D  ${MET_ROOT}_${DAYS_PER_RUN}day/METCRO3D_$locyr2$locmon$locday
> 	     echo TESTING: $MET_CRO_2D
> 	  endif
> 	endif


> 	if ($days_this_run > 1) then
> 	  if (! -e ${MET_ROOT}_${DAYS_PER_RUN}day/METCRO2D_$locyr2$locmon) then
> 	     echo "ERROR: Multi-day METCRO2D file not found. Create multi-day METCRO2D files and store in $MET_ROOT/../[]_${DAYS_PER_RUN}day/ directory."
> 	     set exitstat = 1
> 	  else
>       	     setenv MET_CRO_2D  ${MET_ROOT}_${DAYS_PER_RUN}day/METCRO2D_$locyr2$locmon
>       	     setenv MET_CRO_3D  ${MET_ROOT}_${DAYS_PER_RUN}day/METCRO3D_$locyr2$locmon
> 	     echo TESTING: $MET_CRO_2D
> 	  endif
> 	endif

However, I’m still getting the same error. I guess there should be another script that needs to be modified along with those I mentioned.

Just to update this topic, I couldn’t find any way out of the error. So, I wrote a shell script to repeat running daily MCIP for all days of the month. It worked.

Great – glad you were able to work it out…