MEGANv3.2 preprocessing generates empty LAI and Cantype CSV outputs

I downloaded the required data files for MEGAN preprocessing and modified the namelists. Then, I executed the run commands for the preprocessing step. When I ran the LAI, Growth Form, Ecotype, and Canopy Type scripts, I received no error messages. A CSV file related to each run script was created in the output directory. However, the generated LAI and Cantype outputs (LAI3.csv and CT3.csv) are empty. These two files contained only the header.

Fortran scripts, namelists, and log files are available here:

How can I solve this issue? Thank you for any help in advance.

Are you solve your question? I meet same question

I faced an error associated with line 831 of the ‘prepmegan4cmaq_lai.f90’ script:

write (99, '(3(I,","), 48(F10.4,","))')   &
cell_id,ilon_mcip,ilat_mcip,XLAT(ilon,ilat),XLONG(ilon,ilat),     &
xlai(ilon,ilat, : )

I temporarily commented out the line, but I later forgot to remove the comment. That caused the above-mentioned problem.

Get thank you,thanks for your