Hello, everyone. I am running WPS4.6.0. I have 3 domains, and when I run Metgrid , it is successfully completed. However, Metgrid provides output for every 3 hours of data for my first domain. When it comes to domains 2 and 3, only data for the first hour is provided, not all hours. Is this correct?
It is wrong. Please check your log for metgrid and report back the error message in the log file.
Can you provide your namelist.wps file?
This is odd if you have Ungrib intermediate files and namelist set correct along with geo_em.d01.nc, geo_em.d02.nc, geo_em.d03.nc
Error message of ending message from metgrid standard output would help as well.
Hi Ryan.there is no error in metgrid and successfully done
Hi.it errors that I am new user and dont allow me to upload my namelist and metgrid log
May I ask whether you vi the log file of metgrid? Or you are saying that the ./metgrid.exe doesn’t return errors.
yes.i checked the log file there is no error.I asked in mmm.ucar.edu the staff member said thats correct because start and end of all doamins are the same
Copy and past if the upload does not work. There are formatting tools above as well.