More emission reduction at afdust adjustment step

Hi All,
I run WRF/Chem with NEI 2017 processed by SMOKE with the default setting. I downloaded everything from
I found a discrepancy in the afdust_adj sector between files I generated with Premerged CMAQ-ready Emissions from 2017 v1 NEI Emissions Modeling Platform.

I think it’s the adjustment step that reduced emissions in the Middle US for my SMOKE process.
I used the default setting for both Annual_afdust_12US1_2017gb_17j.csh and Annual_afdust_adj_12US1_2017gb_17j.csh except for changing INLINE_MODE from “only” to “off”. Is there any other modification needed to get the right afdust_adj emission?
Thanks so much for any suggestions.


Annual_ptfire_onetime_12US1_2017gb_17j.csh (7.5 KB)
Annual_ptfire_daily_12US1_2017gb_17j.csh (7.6 KB)

If you are using different meteorological data than EPA’s data, the resulting adjustments based on the meteorology would likely differ from the data processed by EPA.

There are a couple of types of meteorological adjustments as described in our technical support documents, such as the one linked from this page:

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Hi Alison,
Thanks so much for your reply.
I used NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses data and processed them with WRF3.9. May I ask what meteorological data EPA was using?
I will run afdust adjustment again with EPA’s data to make a comparison.
Thanks so much.


We are using data generated with a slightly older version of WRF (3.8?) but likely with different settings than yours.

You can download some days of data from here and compare:

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Thanks so much for pointing them out. Yes, I am downloading the files and will make a comparison.