Movesmrg RPV program error When Running NEI Onroad Source using Smoke

We find it interesting that the RPD/RPH/RPP worked but not RPP.

They should all work the same with respect to the dates.

In your log, it shows the variable called IOAPI is undefined, and we think that is preventing the date settings from being set properly.

IOAPI: Undefined variable.

Syntax Error.

We note that G_STDATE in the Movesmrg log is wrong, and the datestamp in the Movesmrg log filename is blank.

So, the run dates aren’t being set properly. The other errors (timetracker, GETM3EPI) are side effects of that.

We don’t understand where the “IOAPI” variable comes into play. EPA run scripts reference variables called “IOAPI_LOCATION” and “IOAPIDIR” but not one called “IOAPI”.

We suggest adding these two lines to their run script and see if that helps to get rid of the IOAPI: Undefined variable error