It seems I encountered an issue downloading MPAS. When I tried using the command git clone -b MPAS7.0 git@github.com:USEPA/MPAS.git MPAS, there was no response. This is in reference to the instructions provided in the MPAS-CMAQ user guide at
I appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you!
Hello Liz,
I am following the 2.0.2 MPAS instructions from the MAPS_CAMQ_guide.pdf linked in a previous post. When I run the following command:
make pgi CORE=atmosphere USE_PIO2=true
I encounter the error message:
make: *** No rule to make target 'pgi'. Stop.
To proceed, I defined the compilers (FC and CPP) in the Makefile. However, I then received another error related to a missing file, mpas_derived_types.F, and the following message was triggered:
NVFORTRAN-F-0004-Unable to open MODULE file mpas_derived_types.mod (mpas_atm_dimensions.F: 35)
NVFORTRAN/x86-64 Linux 22.1-0: compilation aborted
I have been unable to locate the mpas_derived_types.mod or mpas_derived_types.F module file anywhere.
Any guidance or assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.
Hi Feng,
I am working on compiling and running MPAS-CMAQ using gfortran. I don’t have any experience with using pgi. Are you using a machine that uses environment modules? If so, please load the environment module for the pgi compiler.
Here are the modules that I am using for the gcc/openmpi build:
module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) gcc/9.1.0 2) openmpi_4.0.1/gcc_9.1.0 3) netcdf-4.5.3-for_nc4/gcc-9.1
It is important to install all of the underlying libraries required for MPAS. I have had some difficulty doing this, but the following script, library versions and configuration options downloaded from this page worked for me: https://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/people/duda/files/mpas/sources/
You can try the following command to verify that the mpif90 version is using the pgi compiler
which mpif90
which pgf90
The routine that you are looking for can be found using the command:
find . -name mpas_derived_types.F
The above source code was obtained using the git clone command provided in section 2.0.2
Hello Liz,
I successfully built the latest version of MPAS 8.2.2 on both a Linux cluster and Windows Subsystem for Linux, and I ran the test cases without issues.
However, I faced challenges when attempting to compile the older version, MPAS 7.0, which is coupled with CMAQ 5.5 and requires PIO to be compiled. After downloading the PIO package (PIO 2.6.2), I encountered difficulties due to the absence of key files, such as the configure script. This required additional time and effort, so I decided to move forward with the latest version, MPAS 8.2.2, instead.
My question is:
When will the updated version of MPAS-CMAQ be released?
The updated MPAS-CMAQ using MPAS 8.2.2, as mentioned in the MPAS-CMAQ user guide, it states that “Version 8.2.2 does not require PIO to be compiled, which will eventually simplify its use with CMAQ.” This means that PIO is no longer necessary for MPAS 8.2.2.