Mrggrid running settings

Dear all;

I encounted with an error showing below when I ran mrggrid in NEI modeling platform.

SCRIPT ERROR: Date file name based on SectorCase and SectBaseYr is not found:

Could you give me some advice how to set up the sectorlist and run-settings for mrggrid?

Appreciate it!


The merge dates files (as we call them) are typically included in the SMOKE core zip. For example, this zip has them:

From that zip, they are exported to: INSTALL_DIR/smoke4.5/scripts/smk_dates/2014/

In the Mrggrid run script, point to the merge dates files as follows:

setenv MRGDATE_FILES “$INSTALL_DIR/smoke4.5/scripts/smk_dates/2014/smk_merge_dates_201401.txt”

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It works. Thank you so much!