This is a really simple wrapper for the python netCDF4 library designed mostly for manipulating gridded I/O API emissions files. It can also read in the GRIDDESC format to set grid dimensions and projections. I use this as a library in many of my other python manipulation scripts.
Note that this may not be 100% compatible with I/O API and could potentially cause problems when used with m3tools, CMAQ, etc.
import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as ncf
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
class IOVar(ncf.Variable):
I/OAPI variable
def __init__(self, ds, vname, dtype, dims, **kwargs):
IOAPI dataset variable
Variable Name
Dtype : INT, REAL or DBLE
Dimensions: ie ['TSTEP','LAY','ROW','COL']
Keyword arguments to set attributes: long_name, units or var_desc
ioapi_dtypes = {'INT': np.int32, 'REAL': np.float32, 'DBLE': np.float64}
np_dtype = ioapi_dtypes[dtype]
ncf.Variable.__init__(self, ds, vname, np_dtype, dims)
self.long_name = vname.ljust(80)
self.units = ''.ljust(80)
self.var_desc = ''.ljust(80)
for att, val in list(kwargs.items()):
if att in ('long_name','units','var_desc'):
setattr(self, att, val)
class IODataset(ncf.Dataset):
I/OAPI dataset
def __init__(self, fname, mode='r', **kwargs):
ncf.Dataset.__init__(self, fname, mode, format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC', **kwargs)
def create_variable(self, vname, dtype, dims, **kwargs):
Create an IOAPI variable for this DS
new_var = IOVar(self, vname, dtype, dims, **kwargs)
self.variables[vname] = new_var
return new_var
def set_dimensions(self, ftype='GRID', **kwargs):
Set the file dimensions
Use None (nonetype) for Unlimited
if ftype == 'GRID':
dim_list = ('TSTEP','LAY','ROW','COL','VAR')
elif ftype == 'BOUNDARY':
dim_list = ('SIZE','NLAYS','NVARS')
raise ValueError('Unknown I/OAPI filetype. GRID only type currently supported.')
for dim, val in list(kwargs.items()):
if dim in dim_list:
self.createDimension(dim, val)
if 'TSTEP' not in list(kwargs.keys()):
self.createDimension('TSTEP', None)
self.createDimension('DATE-TIME', 2)
def init_tflag(self):
Have to init the TFLAG variable at the beginning so that TFLAG is firest variable
tflag = self.create_variable('TFLAG', 'INT', ('TSTEP','VAR','DATE-TIME'),
var_desc='Timestep-valid flags: (1) YYYYDDD or (2) HHMMSS')
def set_attributes(self, sdate, grid, **kwargs):
Set the IOAPI attributes. Auto set GDNAM, the grid parameters,
UPNAM, FILEDESC, and HISTORY as fixed/auto-generated.
SDATE and GDNAM are set in the arguments.
Default and auto set:
# Set grid-based attributes from grid desc
for att in grid.grid_atts:
if att == 'GDNAM':
val = grid.GDNAM.ljust(16)
val = getattr(grid, att)
setattr(self, att, val)
var_list = [var for var in self.variables if var != 'TFLAG']
self.NVARS = len(var_list)
setattr(self, 'VAR-LIST', ''.join([var.ljust(16) for var in var_list]))
# Currently only gridded / type 1 is supported
self.FTYPE = 1
self.SDATE = int(sdate)
self.IOAPI_VERSION = 'FAKE IOAPI'.ljust(80)
self.EXEC_ID = '?'.ljust(80)
self.CDATE = self.WDATE = int(time.strftime('%Y%j'))
self.CTIME = self.WTIME = int(time.strftime('%H%M%S'))
self.UPNAM = 'FI'.ljust(16)
self.FILEDESC = 'FAKE IOAPI'.ljust(80)
self.HISTORY = ' '
self.STIME = 0
self.TSTEP = 10000 # One hour per step default. Override with 0 for time independent.
# Vertical levels. Assume 1.
self.NLAYS = len(self.dimensions['LAY'])
self.VGTYP = -1
self.VGTOP = np.zeros([1], np.float32)
self.VGLVLS = np.zeros([2], np.float32)
# Override any attribute with a keyword arg
for att, val in list(kwargs.items()):
setattr(self, att, val)
def calc_stride(self):
Calculate the stride of the time step based on the TSTEP attribute
Takes HHMMSS and returns seconds.
tstep = '%0.6d' %self.TSTEP
if tstep.startswith('-'):
sign = -1
tstep = tstep[1:]
sign = 1
step = int(tstep[:-4])*3600 + int(tstep[-4:-2])*60 + int(tstep[-2:])
return sign * step
def write_TFLAG(self):
Create the TFLAG timesteps for the variables in the file
based on defined SDATE, number of variables and variable timesteps
arr = np.zeros([len(self.dimensions['TSTEP']), len(self.dimensions['VAR']),
len(self.dimensions['DATE-TIME'])], np.int32)
# Time independent data gets all 0s for each variable
if self.TSTEP > 0:
stride = self.calc_stride()
cur_time = datetime.strptime(str(self.SDATE) + '%0.6d' %int(self.STIME), '%Y%j%H%M%S')
for tstep in range(arr.shape[0]):
for tvar in range(arr.shape[1]):
arr[tstep,tvar,0] = datetime.strftime(cur_time, '%Y%j') # Set date for TFLAG timestep
arr[tstep,tvar,1] = datetime.strftime(cur_time, '%H%M%S') # Set time for TFLAG timestep
cur_time += timedelta(seconds=stride)
self.variables['TFLAG'][:] = arr
class Grid(object):
Reads the grid description file and loads the grid information for the specified grid named.
def __init__(self, grid_name, grid_desc):
self.GDNAM = grid_name
self.grid_atts = ['GDTYP','GDNAM','GDTYP','P_ALP','P_BET','P_GAM','XCENT','YCENT','XORIG',
def _parse_float(self, x):
Returns a floating point with the correct number of trailing zeros based on the .Dx
x = x.replace('D','E')
return np.float64(x)
def _split_line(self, line):
return [cell.strip().strip("'") for cell in line.strip().split('!')[0].split(',')]
def load_gridinfo(self, grid_desc):
Read in the grid description file and store the grid data as object attributes
with open(grid_desc) as gd:
state = 'proj'
proj_table = dict()
for line in gd:
s_line = self._split_line(line)
if state == 'proj':
if s_line[0]:
if s_line[0] == ' ':
state = 'grid'
proj_name = line.strip().strip("'")
line = next(gd)
s_line = self._split_line(line)
proj_table[proj_name] = {'GDTYP': int(s_line[0]),
'P_ALP': self._parse_float(s_line[1]),
'P_BET': self._parse_float(s_line[2]),
'P_GAM': self._parse_float(s_line[3]),
'XCENT': self._parse_float(s_line[4]),
'YCENT': self._parse_float(s_line[5])}
if s_line[0] == self.GDNAM:
line = next(gd)
s_line = self._split_line(line)
proj_name = s_line[0]
self.XORIG, self.YORIG, self.XCELL, self.YCELL = \
[self._parse_float(x) for x in s_line[1:5]]
self.NCOLS, self.NROWS, self.NTHIK = [int(x) for x in s_line[5:8]]
for k, v in list(proj_table[proj_name].items()):
setattr(self, k, v)
state = ''
if state:
raise ValueError('Grid %s not found in grid description file.' %self.GDNAM)
def proj4(self):
Return the proj4 string for the projection used with this gridding domain
if self.GDTYP == 1:
proj = '+proj=latlon'
elif self.GDTYP == 2:
proj_vars = (self.P_ALP, self.P_BET, self.XCENT, self.YCENT)
proj = '+proj=lcc +lat_1=%s +lat_2=%s +lon_0=%s +lat_0=%s +a=6370000 +b=6370000 +units=m +no_defs' %proj_vars[:]
elif self.GDTYP == 6:
proj_vars = (self.P_BET, self.YCENT, self.XCENT)
proj = '+proj=stere +lat_ts=%s +lat_0=%s +lon_0=%s' %proj_vars[:]
return proj