I would be grateful if anyone helps me with the following questions:
I have successfully simulated EPA 2016v1 runs by using CAMx. Now I want to run 2028 with PSAT. I am planning to tag 10 EGU facilities with SO4 and NO3 species tracer.
- I am running two SMOKE runs: scenario-1 will create one file(Let’s say FILEA) for ptegu sector which is ( ALL_EGU – 10 tag facilities); scenario-2 will create one file (FILEB) for ptegu sector which contains only ’ 10 tag facilities’
- I am trying to generate a ’ CAMx control’ file for the SA PSAT.Please see below (use of FILEA & FILEB in bold color, Is that how I should use these files?):
!— Model options —
Diagnostic_Error_Check = .false., ! True = will stop after 1st timestep
Flexi_Nest = .false., ! True = expect flexi-nested inputs
Advection_Solver = ‘PPM’, ! (PPM,BOTT)
Chemistry_Solver = ‘EBI’, ! (CMC,IEH,LSODE)
PiG_Submodel = ‘NONE’, ! (None,GREASD,IRON)
Probing_Tool = ‘SA’, ! (None,SA,DDM,HDDM,PA,IPR,IRR,RTRAC,RTCMC)
Chemistry = .true.,
Drydep_Model = ‘ZHANG03’, ! (NONE,WESELY89,ZHANG03)
Bidi_NH3_Drydep = .false.,
Wet_Deposition = .true.,
ACM2_Diffusion = .false.,
Surface_Model = .false.,
Inline_Ix_Emissions = .true.,
Super_Stepping = .true.,
Gridded_Emissions = .true.,
Point_Emissions = .true.,
Ignore_Emission_Dates = .true.,
!— Output specifications —
Root_Output_Name = ‘$OUT/$today.$CGRID.$NZ.$CCASE.epa.camx’,
Average_Output_3D = .false.,
NetCDF_Format_Output = .false.,
NetCDF_Use_Compression = .false.,
Output_3D_Grid(1) = .false.,
Output_Species_Names(1) = ‘ALL’,
PiG_Sampling_Grid = .false.,
Sample_BAckground = .false.,
Number_of_Sampling_Grids = 1,
SG_Beg_I_Index(1) = 17,
SG_End_I_Index(1) = 18,
SG_Beg_J_Index(1) = 21,
SG_End_J_Index(1) = 22,
SG_Mesh_Factor(1) = 36.,
!— Input files —
Chemistry_Parameters = ‘$CHEM/CAMx7.0.chemparam.CB6r4DMS_CF_SOAP_ISORROPIA_elements_NH3RSCALE0’,
Photolyis_Rates = ‘RATE/rate.{YYYY}${MM}$DD.$CGRID.do.CB6.txt’,
Ozone_Column = ‘$OZCOL/ozcol.$YYYY$MM$DD.$CGRID.txt’,
Initial_Conditions = ‘$ICBC/init.$YYYY$MM$DD.CGRID.{NZ}L.$ICCASE.epa.camx’,
Boundary_Conditions = ‘$ICBC/bndr.$YYYY$MM$DD.CGRID.{NZ}L.$ICCASE.epa.camx’,
Top_Concentrations = ’ ',
Point_Sources = ‘$PTSRDIR/FILEA’,
Master_Grid_Restart = ‘$OUT/$YESTERDAY.$CGRID.$NZ.$CCASE.epa.camx.inst’,
Nested_Grid_Restart = ‘$OUT/$YESTERDAY.$CGRID.$NZ.$CCASE.epa.camx.finst’,
PiG_Restart = ‘$OUT/$YESTERDAY.$CGRID.$NZ.$CCASE.epa.camx.pig’,
Srfmod_Grid(1) = ’ ',
Srfmod_Grid(2) = ’ ',
Surface_Grid(1) = ‘$MET/landuse.151221.36US3.zhang.camx.salt’,
Surface_Grid(2) = ‘$MET2/landuse.151221.12US2b.zhang.camx.salt’,
Met3D_Grid(1) = ‘$MET/met3d.$YY$MM$DD.$CGRID.$NZ.wrf.camx’,
Met3D_Grid(2) = ‘$MET2/met3d.$YY$MM$DD.12US2b.$NZ.wrf.camx’,
Met2D_Grid(1) = ‘$MET/met2d.$YY$MM$DD.$CGRID.$NZ.wrf.camx’,
Met2D_Grid(2) = ‘$MET2/met2d.$YY$MM$DD.12US2b.$NZ.wrf.camx’,
Vdiff_Grid(1) = ‘$MET/vdif.$YY$MM$DD.$CGRID.$NZ.wrf.camx.0.1.YSU.kvpatch’,
Vdiff_Grid(2) = ‘$MET2/vdif.$YY$MM$DD.12US2b.$NZ.wrf.camx.0.1.YSU.kvpatch’,
Cloud_Grid(1) = ‘$MET/clra.$YY$MM$DD.$CGRID.$NZ.wrf.camx’,
Cloud_Grid(2) = ‘$MET2/clra.$YY$MM$DD.12US2b.$NZ.wrf.camx’,
Emiss_Grid(1,1) = ‘EMIS/emis2d.{YYYY}{MM}{DD}.{CGRID}.{CCASE2}+ss.camx’,
Emiss_Grid(2,1) = ‘EMIS2/emis2d.{YYYY}{MM}{DD}.12US2b.${CCASE2}+ss.camx’,
SA_File_Root = ‘$OUT/$today.$CGRID.$NZ.$CCASE.epa.camx’,
SA_Summary_Output = .true.,
SA_Stratify_Boundary = .false.,
SA_Deposition_Output = .false.,
SA_Number_of_Source_Regions = 54,
SA_Number_of_Source_Groups = 1,
Use_Leftover_Group = .false.,
Number_of_Timing_Releases = 0,
SA_Treat_SULFATE_Class = .true.,
SA_Treat_NITRATE_Class = .true.,
SA_Treat_SOA_Class = .false.,
SA_Treat_PRIMARY_Class = .false.,
SA_Treat_MERCURY_Class = .false.,
SA_Treat_OZONE_Class = .false.,
SA_Use_APCA = .false.,
SA_Use_APCA_Ptoverride = .false.,
SA_PT_Override = .false.,
SA_Receptor_Definitions = ‘’,
SA_Source_Area_Map(1) = ‘$LAND/satmap.$CGRID.epa.txt’,
SA_Source_Area_Map(2) = ‘’,
SA_Use_Partial_SourceMap = .false.,
Partial_Source_Area_Map(1,1) = ’ ', ! Map for SA group 1, grid 1
Partial_Source_Area_Map(2,1) = ’ ', ! Map for SA group 2, grid 1
SA_Master_Restart = ‘$OUT/$YESTERDAY.$CGRID.$NZ.$CCASE.epa.camx.sa.inst’,
SA_Nested_Restart = ‘$OUT/$YESTERDAY.$CGRID.$NZ.$CCASE.epa.camx.sa.finst’,
SA_Points_Group(1) = ‘$PTSRDIR/FILEB’,
SA_Points_Group(2) = ‘’,
SA_Emiss_Group_Grid(1,1) = ‘’,
SA_Emiss_Group_Grid(1,2) = ‘’,
My questions are:
1. What is the value / How do I determine the value for ’ SA_Number_of_Source_Regions =54’ for the EPA 2016v1 platform for this case?.
2. How do I generate this file ‘SA_Source_Area_Map(1) = ‘$LAND/satmap.$CGRID.epa.txt’,’ ?
Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Thank you