Symbols for emission species

I’m adding the following species to one of my emissions files:
Glycol (GLYC)
Glyoxam (GLY)
Methylglyoxal (MGLY)
Acetic acid (HAC)
CMAQ reads the stream but skips these species (the message simply states that these variables are unused). I cannot find the right symbol neither at CMAQ/DOCS/Users_Guide/Appendix/ at main · USEPA/CMAQ · GitHub nor at CCTM/src/MECHS/cb6r5_ae7_aq/CMAQ_Control_DESID_cb6r5_ae7_aq.nml.
[Almost forgot, this is for the cb6r5 mechanism]

First of all, the species you are adding has to be a species in the model.
GLY and MGLY are species in the cb6r5 mechanism, but GLYC and HAC are not. Acetic acid is AACD, while I think glycol is not a species at all. See the GC_cb6r5_ae7_aq.nml file for gas-phase species in the mechanism.

Once it is a species in the model, then you need to add a line in the DESID control file telling the model that it is an emitted species. AACD is an emitted species, but GLY and MGLY currently are not, as far as I can tell.

I should note that you can add a line to the DESID control file mapping the emission species HAC to the model species AACD.

I modified the nml file accordingly and now all the species are accounted for. Thanks!