Two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ process?


Which version of the two-way model are you using?

Hi David,

According to the log file, the WRF version was 3.8.

ESM - can you try using the latest release of the two-way version that is available from the CMAS Center Download site under the CMAQ v5.3 page. CMAQ version 5.3 Release (August 2019)
Please download and try the WRFv4.1.1-CMAQv5.3 Tarball

Thank you,


Please try the latest version of the WRF-CMAQ two-way coupled model as Liz has suggested. If you insist to use an older version, I can work with you directly to resolve your issue.

Hi David,

Thank you for your answer. I use WRF-3.8 and CMAQ-5.2.


I installed WRFV3.8-CMAQV5.2 TWO-WAY. But I couldn’t run it. The error is:

 Value for CTM_CKSUM:  Y returning TRUE
 Value for CTM_ILDEPV:  Y returning TRUE
 Value for CTM_ABFLUX:  N returning FALSE
 Value for CTM_SFC_HONO:  N returning FALSE
 Value for CTM_MOSAIC:  N returning FALSE
 Value for CTM_HGBIDI:  N returning FALSE
 Value for CTM_DEPV_FILE:  N returning FALSE
 Flag for writing the DEPV diagnostic file                                       
 DEPV_INIT: writes GAS DEPV values to CTM_DEPV_FILE                                                                      
 DEPV_INIT: completed INIT_GAS_DV block 

 Value for KZMIN:  Y returning TRUE
 Value for CTM_GRAV_SETL:  Y returning TRUE
 Using J-,K-mode aerosols gravitational settling                                 
 Value for VDIFF_DIAG_FILE:  N returning FALSE
 Writing the VDIFF diagnostic files                                              
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File CTM_DRY_DEP_1    already opened READONLY; cannot subsequently open it for READ/WRITE.
 Could not open CTM_DRY_DEP_1    file for update - try to open new
 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File CTM_DRY_DEP_1    already opened; cannot subsequently create it "NEW".

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine OPDDEP on PE 000          
 Could not create CTM_DRY_DEP_1    file
 Date and time 1:00:00   Aug. 1, 2013   (2013213:010000)

Could you help me, please?
Thank you

New Text Document (8).txt (62.2 KB)

Please either move or remove the existing file

Or, if you are running CMAQv5.3, you can use this setting in your run script to automatically delete existing output files.

#> Keep or Delete Existing Output Files

For CMAQv5.2 use the following setting:

set DISP = delete            #> [ delete | update | keep ] existing output files

Hi Wong,
I am using WRF 4.1.1 and latest version of CMAQ now ( WRF-CMAQ two-way). But my question is how to run the model? I have done the benchmark successfully, but how can I do my own simulation?
Is there any user guide?
Please kindly help me in this regard,
Best wishes

Hi Setareh,

If you have run the coupled successfully with the EPA provided test dataset, you can replace the data path in the script with the path of your own data. If you have additional question, please contact me directly.