Dear SMOKE Users,
I tried to run gen_afdust_tfrac.12US1.GRIDCRO2D.csh script (the script from 2016 emission platform beta version) to generate xportfrac over 12US2 domain.
However, it pops up the following error message: /SMOKE2016/afdust_xportfrac/gen_afdust_tfrac: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I also attached my log file for your referencegen_afdust_tfrac.12US2.GRIDCRO2D.txt (628 Bytes) .
I seems that this error message is related to the IOAPI libraries. I can find my “libioapi.a”, but couldn’t find the “”. Is there anything that I missed when I install ioapi3.2?
I appreciate it if you can provide any suggestions.
Thank you!
That sounds as though you have a bad build of the relevant executable program. You might go back and try re-building it from scratch…
Thanks for your suggestion!
When I installed IOAPI, I followed the instruction provided by the CMAQ user manual and I didn’t get any error message. I also ran the CMAQ benchmark case and it went well… It’s weird.
If the IOAPI is installed successfully, where I can find this “” file. Is it under /Linux2_x86_64ifort directory?
Thank you! 
Where did this program-executable come from? Is it one you built?
If not (as I suspect), then the originator for this program screwed it up. You should re-build that program for your machine, using the I/O API that you (successfully) built. And if you do not have (cannot get) what you need to do that, we have as serious copyright violation on the part of whoever is distributing that program (see your HTML/LGPL.txt or; it is a requirement of the license under which the I/O API is distributed that you be able to do so.
By the way, the official I/O API installation manual can be found at either or; the CMAQ user manual is not the official installation manual, though it usually is approximately correct.
Hi Carlie,
Thanks very much for your reply! I came up other solutions. 
I am having this exact same issue. Can you inform me of how you resolved the error?
EPA posted the statistically compiled gen_afdust_tfrac script at “”. You can try that one. It works for me.
Do you specify the name /location of the outfile in your script? Is it listed in the standard output or log?
If so, have you confirmed you have write permission in that location?