YCENT_B=40 is a condition that occurs when you force the reference latitude in the MCIP run script. We often use 40N as the reference latitude at EPA, so it looks like you have invoked the option to force the reference latitude to be 40 through the MCIP script variable WRF_LC_REF_LAT. For purposes of your simulation, it really does not matter what the reference latitude is, as long as it’s consistent between your files (which it is not).
I recommend that you delete (or move to elsewhere) your MCIP output, then re-run MCIP. If you want to use a reference latitude of 40N (which seems ok given your other parameters in your error message), then that’s fine. Just know that you’ll need to process your emissions that way, too.
I am sorry for repeating the issue again; I remember we discussed something on m3user list, but unfortunately, I do not have access to messages, so I have to ask again. Do you mean I have set to REF_LAT to 40 and rerun? I think I have already done that and have posted the results. Anyways, I will tell you the results. I thank you for your quick response.