CMAQ5.3.1_running run_cctm.csh

Hello! I’m learning to run CMAQ5.3.1 .The IC/BC I made through WACCM data,The time step I set is 6h,here comes errors when I run cctm.csh,errors display as follows,
SA_ACONC_1 :/home/u120220900721/CMAQ5.3/CMAQ_Project/data/STE202206/cctm/CN9NC_239X213/

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.

 Could not open SA_ACONC_1 file for update - try to open new

 Timestep written to SA_ACONC_1       for date and time  2022153:000000
  =--> Data Output completed...    0.9 seconds

 ERROR: Incorrect Interpolation in 3-D Generic Interpolation for variable:

I suspect there’s something wrong with the mcip output files due to the varible DENSA_J

Hi Anwm,

Please contact me directly at and I will work with you to resolve this problem.
