—>> WARNING in subroutine OPENSET
Could not generate individual file names for file set “PGTS3D_L”
Could not open file “PGTS3D_L”.
*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine MRGGRID
Ending program “MRGGRID”.
But, when I went to the output directory, I found there was the PGTS3D_L file.
I don’t know why MRGGRID could not generate individual file names for file set “PGTS3D_L”. I attached the related files.
Is it impossible to merge AGTS_L, NGTS_L and PGTS3D_L in SMOKE v4.8.1? Or is this because the time dimension of PGTS3D_L does not match with AGTS_L and NGTS_L?
Sorry for the late response. I was out of town with limited internet access. It is not a SMOKE bug but something to do with your SMOKE run scripts. You need to ensure that your PGTS3D_L is set correctly for Smkmerge to open successfully. If you review your smk_mrgall.csh script and understand how it works, you can assign the file to the right environment variable name.