Hi guys, I am wondering if anyone followed this guide provided by Mr.bbaek and combined EDGAR with CMAQ in SMOKE programs successfully?I would like to learn the suggestions from you and I wanna know if I can apply the ncf file provided directly for following grids allocation?(GEOCODE_EDGAR0.ncf - Google Drive)
Thank you all for the support all the time and wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the coming year!
@yan2024 This feature in SMOKE has been actively used in the U.S. EPA hemispheric modeling applications. So, yes, you can use this feature to process Lat/Lon projection sectoral EDGAR or HTAP gridded emissions via SMOKE. You can define your modeling domain using IOAPI_GRIDNAME_1 variable for Grdmat to regrid the original 0.1 degree grid into your domain.