How to exclude some specific pollution in raw inventory source?

The problem I faced is that some pollution in my raw inventory processed by smkinven failed to go through the spcmat program.
The error said ‘ERROR: No speciation cross-reference available (and no default) for: Region: 000000001001 SCC: 00000000002201110162 POL: VOC’.

what could I do to exclude this specific pollution, whether using NHAPEXCLUDE file?
And shoud I write the county and SCC of these specific pollution into my own NHAPEXCLUDE file?

Or excluding these pollution from the raw inventory???

Can you clarify the configuration you are running? Is it one provided to your or something you configured yourself?

Reviewing the logs from Smkinven and spcmat would help understand the problem.

If you are not specifically wanting to exclude pollutants, using an NHAPEXCLUDE may not be the best approach.

The mobile inventory is the version of 2014V2 emission in the FF10 format (download from
I configure the invtable, gspro, gsref, gscnv, gspro_combo with cb05 by myself. All of them are the original files in smoke 4.6 package.:wave:

That is helpful to know. Can you please specific which pollutants you want to come through and which are not going through that concern you?

Perhaps you could attach your Smkinvent and Spcmat log files.

Hi again,

We suggest using the files in this package, which are designed to process county-level onroad inventories through SMOKE without running SMOKE-MOVES.