WARNING: No kept pollutants found at line


I met warning messages in running smk_nonroad.csh

./smkinven.nonroad.capss2018.log: WARNING: No kept pollutants found at line 3385206 . The source will be dropped.
./smkinven.nonroad.capss2018.log: WARNING: No kept pollutants found at line 3385207 . The source will be dropped.
./smkinven.nonroad.capss2018.log: WARNING: No kept pollutants found at line 3385208 . The source will be dropped.
./smkinven.nonroad.capss2018.log: WARNING: No kept pollutants found at line 3385209 . The source will be dropped.
./smkinven.nonroad.capss2018.log: WARNING: No kept pollutants found at line 3385210 . The source will be dropped.

I found that the line 3385206 of nonroad inventory file is a PM10 source:

3385206 β€œKOR”,β€œ48121”,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œ2260005000”,β€œβ€,β€œPM10”,6.252307992e-05,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œ2018”,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€
3385207 β€œKOR”,β€œ48121”,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œ2260005000”,β€œβ€,β€œPM10”,5.03756127e-06,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œ2018”,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€
3385208 β€œKOR”,β€œ48121”,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œ2260005000”,β€œβ€,β€œPM10”,9.611049609e-05,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œ2018”,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€
3385209 β€œKOR”,β€œ48121”,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œ2260005000”,β€œβ€,β€œPM10”,6.276558834e-05,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œ2018”,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€,β€œβ€

But I found that $INVTABLE (invtable_hapcap_cb05soa.txt) has Keep as Y:

PM10 PM10 Y 1.0 N tons/yr Particulate matter, 1

All PM10 sources are dropped when running smk_nonroad.csh. When I ran other scripts (e.g. smk_point.csh or smk_area.csh, the warnings didn’t occurred.

Any comment would be appreciated.
Thank you.

arinv.capss2018.nonroad.FF10.csv (1.3 KB)
ASSIGNS.capss2018.cmaq.saprc99pm.Cheongju28_1km.txt (23.3 KB)
smk_nonroad_capss2018.csh (6.5 KB)
invtable_hapcap_cb05soa.txt (96.2 KB)

I mistook the nonroad inventory path. After fixing, the problem was solved.

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Hi gwangjin
The similar problem troubled me ,the inventory can only be read for a fraction .Could you please tell me why it happened

What is your pollutant here – CPM? Is that pollutant listed in your invtable and other ancillary files?

Hi eyth.alison
THANKS for your notification ,I had changed the gsref ,gspro,and invtable,but the error still exist.May be there is something wrong with CSV, the last word of the smkinv log tells β€˜Error reading raw inventory file PTINV’.I asked several group member,and nobody knows.

Have you made a small inventory file and posted it for review?

Hi eyth.alison
Thank you for your help.
Maybe there is something wrong with my input csv ,and it got solved after change the format to txt .I found this by download a brand new zip file from website,and find the example inventory formate is txt.

Good – glad you figured that out. Yes it’s similar to .csv but not exactly a .csv