Nitrous oxide (N2O) availability in EQUATES county-level

Hi folks,

I’d like to confirm that N2O (nitrous oxide) is not available in the EQUATES CONUS downloads from the EPA site. Is this correct?

Is there a particular reason N2O isn’t available?

Hi @lizroten, thank you for reaching out with your question. I have re-categorized your question to ‘Emissions’ to make sure it is seen by the scientists that would know the most about these MOVES inventory emissions.

@eyth.alison @callen

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Bumping this question once more. I know you folks have been busy with the 2022v1 releases. @foley.kristen @eyth.alison @callen

N2O emissions are not available in the referenced inventories. However, I believe there was another version of the inventories that included N2O, but I’m not sure if these are posted somewhere.

Apologies for the late response. Thank you @eyth.alison for confirming that N2O is not in the EQUATES onroad inventory data on the ftp site. I am also able to confirm that there is not another version of these inventories for the NEI years that contain N2O.

I was able to find out that we do have these onroad inventories for all EQUATES years (2002-2019) but they are not yet publicly posted. N2O is not in the 2002-2017 EQUATES onroad invtories but is available for 2018 and 2019. We can work to get this full set publicly posted in case that might be helpful.

In terms of context for why N2O is not available in the 2002-2017 files, @callen, who is one of the emissions experts that prepares these inventory packages, provided this context:

N2O was not included in the 2002-2017 EQUATES onroad inventories because the packages were developed before N2O was added in Emissions Modeling Framework (EMF) system for processing FF10-format emissions files (sometimes called “AQ-style” onroad inventories). As for why N2O has not always been included in these files, it’s a greenhouse gas that doesn’t affect AQ modeling and hasn’t always been a focus for what we do. MOVES output has included N2O for many years now, and we have been including it in our SMOKE-MOVES runs for many years as well, but we have not always included it in our post-processing products such as the AQ-style onroad inventories. As interest in GHGs has increased, we have started including N2O in some of our more recent post-SMOKE-MOVES onroad datasets, and this included the EQUATES 2018 and 2019 files.

@lizroten A correction to my post above. After thinking about this more I remembered that the EQUATES MOVES inventory files for 2002-2019 are publicly posted on the CMAS Data Warehouse Google Drive, it is just that they are packaged with other EQUATES SMOKE input files rather than separated out as they are on the ftp site.

If you navigate to this site you will see a folder for each EQUATES year:

Within those folders you will need to download the files EQUATES_INV_<year>_version1.0.tar

And within the tar file look for these four files:

gas_MYR_<year>_SMOKE_MOVES_MOVES3_AQstyle_VOCspec_<creation date>_nf_<version number>.csv
gas_MYR_<year>_SMOKE_MOVES_MOVES3_AQstyle_<creation date>_nf_<version number>.csv
diesel_MYR_<year>_SMOKE_MOVES_MOVES3_AQstyle_<creation date>_<version number>.csv
diesel_MYR_<year>_SMOKE_MOVES_MOVES3_AQstyle_<creation date>_<version number>.csv

We could also post the AQ style onroad inventories as their own .zip files (similar to the NEI packages on the ftp site) if you are unable to access these larger emissions packages.

@foley.kristen @eyth.alison, thank you for your help, and @callen for the additional context on N2O.

To summarize

  • N2O is only available for years 2018 and 2019.
  • A full time series for every year between 2002 and 2019 is available on the CMAS Data Warehouse Google Drive, packaged with the EQUATES SMOKE inputs

I would appreciate if you could pull out the onroad inventories for years 2002-2019 into their own .zip files (like with the NEI packages on the FTP site). I don’t have access to cloud computing.

@lizroten We can post those zip files but they will be in the same location, the CMAS Google Drive. This is not a cloud computing platform but simply a cloud-based storage service. Let us know if you are unable to download files from the Google Drive (they are free to download and do not require a Google account).

@foley.kristen, thank you, I understand.

To better explain, I don’t have access to a cloud storage service on my end of things. All downloaded datasets (from the FTP, Google Drive, etc) are living on my local machine, and space is getting tight. Anything you can do to pull out only the onroad emissions inventories would be greatly appreciated.

Got it, thanks for clarifying and I completely understand! Yes, we will get the smaller zip files up on the Google Drive.


@lizroten Liz Adams at CMAS has added the files to the CMAS Google Drive:

Thank you @lizadams!

Yes, thank you @lizadams, @foley.kristen!

I’m delighted to have a full time series from 2002-2019. This will have major implications for setting our baseline year and regional policy priorities. If you want to track out project’s progress, our GitHub repo is open source.