'Select your met station' option is disabled

After uploading my AADT, speed, and road type data, when I go to the performance analysis menu, the ‘select your met station’ option is disabled and cannot be selected. As a result, I am unable to start the model run. I hope this issue can be resolved.
Another issue is that when I select the County in ‘Select your location,’ the model run works fine. However, I cannot find any information about which year the AADT data provided by CTools corresponds to.
Thank you in advance for your response.

Hi. The C-TOOLS server was down recently and has been restarted. The AADT data is from HPMS 2013 except for CA roads, which are HPMS 2014. The User Manual has more information about the data sources: https://www.cmascenter.org/c-tools/documentation/5.1/C-LINE_Users_Guide_v51.pdf

I’m still having the same issue, please check it.

When you first load up C-LINE, what location do you type in the “Select your location” box? At that point (before loading your custom data), are met stations available in the “Perform analysis” dialog?

Yes. With the selected location, MET stations are available.