Sitecmp site file

Hi, I was looking for the monitor locations csv file for the AQS and other networks too, but for AQS the given url in the codes seems not working. Can anyone suggest?


#> This file can be downloaded from


This URL doesn’t work

setenv SITE_FILE AQS_full_site_list.csv

Try the following link instead

Was about to delete the post as I just found. Thanks for so quick response.

It was mentioned in the run script of sitecmp file that

#> AQS obs data in the format needed for sitecmp are available
#> from the CMAS Center Data clearinghouse under the heading “2000-2017 North American Air Quality Observation Data”:
#> CMAS: Community Modeling and Analysis System
#> Hourly AQS observations are located in AMET12_OBSDATA_YYYY.tar.gz for year YYYY.
setenv IN_TABLE AQS_daily_data_2016.csv

When I try to go 2000-2017 North American Air Quality Observation Data, google asking me to request access. How can I get access? Also, where can I find the latest AQS observational data like for years of 2020 or 2021?

Please try to download the data from this google drive location.

Is it also possible to get 2020 data?


Hi Rasel,

Please see the topic below for a link to the 2020 preliminary AMET formatted data.


Hy @lizadams ,

I’m facing following error while running sitecmp.
ERROR, No sites found in site file:/projects/HAQ_LAB/mrasel/cmaq/Build_CMAQ/CMAQ_DDM/POST/sitecmp/scripts/AQS_full_site_list.csv
I’ve checked CSV file and I’m seeing site locations are there. Not sure what’s going on. Can you please see attached log file and my run script?

Raselsitecmp.log.txt (8.9 KB)
run_sitecmp_AQS_Hourly_test.csh.txt (8.0 KB)

Can you please take a look into my logfile and script and let me know where did I make mistake?

Can you please also post your SITE_FILE (/projects/HAQ_LAB/mrasel/cmaq/Build_CMAQ/CMAQ_DDM/POST/sitecmp/scripts/AQS_full_site_list.csv)?

I think I see now what is happening. Your run script suggests that you are still using the version of sitecmp that was released with CMAQv5.2.

That version did not support the use of a csv-delimited SITE_FILE, it only could use old-style tab-delimited SITE_FILE .txt files. Your run script specified a csv-delimited SITE_FILE. To solve this, you’d either need to edit AQS_full_site_list.csv to only contain four columns (siteid, longitude, latitude, and time zone offset) and make those columns tab-delimited, or switch to the sitecmp version that was first released with CMAQv5.3. See CMAQ/ at 5.3 · USEPA/CMAQ · GitHub and CMAQ/POST/sitecmp at 5.3 · USEPA/CMAQ · GitHub for further information on the changes in SITE_FILE.

It worked. I’ve downloaded site files from this link and changed SITE_FILE name to AQS_sites.txt and that worked.

Thank you for the help.


Thanks for confirming that this worked.

In the future, you may want to consider transitioning to the CMAQv5.3+ version of sitecmp because the existing old-style tab-delimited AQS_sites.txt files will no longer be updated with potential new sites.
There is a chance that some newer sites exist in the 2020 file used as IN_TABLE that are not included in the older AQS_sites.txt SITE_FILE file but are included in the newer csv AQS_full_site_list.csv station metadata file which is being updated more frequently. Any records from IN_TABLE that do not have a matching site in SITE_FILE will be dropped from the analysis.

I’ve one question. I’m using CMAQ v5.2 mainly for using DDM. Now after I get ACONC or sensitivity files (ASENS), can I use sitecmp of CMAQ v5.3+ version to use on those ACONC/ASENS file? Will it cause any issue?

No, there should not be any downside to using the updated sitecmp executable with your existing CMAQv5.2 setup and scripts.

The estimation of aggregated CMAQ species and their mapping to observations (both aspects likely differ between CMAQv5.2 and CMAQv5.3) are controlled by the SpecDef file when running combine and the setting of the GAS_1, GAS_2, etc. expressions when running sitecmp, so as long as you don’t use the CMAQv5.3 scripts for those aspects, you should be fine. Put differently, simply switching out the sitecmp executable in your CMAQv5.2 sitemp run script to use the CMAQv5.3 version should allow you to use the .csv SITE_FILE instead of being restricted to the tab-delimited SITE_FILE.


I am having an issue while running sitecmp run_sitecmp_AQS_Daily.csh file. In my script I have mentioned AERO_1 to AERO_38 to make daily comparision with observed AQS daily data. However, when I look into batch job output file, I see only AERO_1, AERO_2 species were compared, (AERO_3 commented out since the preliminary AQS observational 2020 dataset does not contain PM10 values) and then suddenly the module asking for GAS_1, WETDEP_1, WETCON_1, PREC_1. Can you please let me know what did I do wrong? How to resolve this?

Please see the attached scripts and job ouputs.


10_run_sitecmp_AQS_Daily.csh.txt (9.7 KB)


Simple fix. When you comment out one of the AERO_X lines, you need to renumber the subsequent definitions. So, in your case, you need to renumber AERO_4-AERO_38 as AERO_3-AERO_37. Sitecompare looked for AERO_3 and never found it, and assumed that was the end of your AERO definitions. Let us know if that does not fix your problem.



The numbering of the AERO_##, GAS_##, etc. species needs to be consecutive. If you comment out the PM10 definition for AERO_3, you need to define your next intended species (Isoprene) as AERO_3, then Ethylene as AERO_4, etc. Once sitecmp encounters an undefined AERO_## / GAS_## environment variable, it’ll stop looking for more in that group.

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Thank you. It worked.
