This is a CAMx conversion issue, possibly a situation where one of the CAMx conversion programs behaves differently your computer. The MAPTBL file should work fine as is. This is happening with the Spcmap program in particular. Are you using the pre-compiled Spcmap executable from the EPA package (unzipped to INSTALL_DIR/camx/bin/) or a different version?
It is likely that Ramboll’s version of the conversion tools are different from EPA’s and that is why the MAPTBL doesn’t work. We suggest the following:
The 2016v2 package includes the source code for EPA’s versions of the conversion tools (unzipped to INSTALL_DIR/camx/src/). Can you try compiling that code? We are unsure of all of the differences between Ramboll’s code and EPA’s, so this is the best way to ensure consistency with the EPA methods.
If the compilation doesn’t work and you need to use the Ramboll version, in the EPA version of the MAPTBL (the “Modified” one), try removing the “59” after .START. As “59” corresponds to the number of species. Based on the other MAPTBL, the Ramboll conversion code doesn’t seem to expect the number of species to be explicitly listed in the file.