WRF output formatting

Hello, I’m starting to use the AMET system; however, I have one question about model data inputs. I know I can use WRF output, but is there a specific standard that needs to be adhered to when creating the model data netCDFs? I have viewed the example netCDFs for WRF in the metExample collection. Do the netCDFs have to be exactly as given in the example? If so, do you pull these data from a specific repository, or do you create your own netCDFs for any dates you want to analyze? I’m trying to find out if I’m missing some key instruction that’s not in the User’s Guide. Thanks!


As long as you are using io_form_history = 2 in your WRF namelist file you are fine. This is the standard WRF netcdf. The current code works with the most recent NetCDF libraries. The key is the R module ncdf4. And it is backward compatible with pre-V4 netcdf flavors.

Now you do need to make sure WRF outputs have the variables needed by AMET. Currently the default configuration of the WRF Registry has everything that is needed by the surface, radiation, precipitation and upper-air evaluation scripts. You can look at the function wrf_surface() in the R script below to see the variables needed by AMET. Again, unless you make some big changes to the WRF Registry file to trim output variables significantly, everything should be there. You may want to test WRF outputs before you do long runs just in case something is missing.


