I am working on using the Windblown Dust Model within CMAQ to study to particulate matter emissions. I am using CMAQ version 5.3.1 and I would like to know if it is possible to have the CCTM not take into account any emissions besides those created inline by the windblown dust model? If this is possible would I still have to have SMOKE input files?
Thank you for the advice I am running that with benchmark right now.
Follow up to that though, would it be possible to use the same SMOKE files from the benchmark with other runs if all the emissions are turned off? I am not too familiar with SMOKE and how to generate files with it.
Emissions inputs are required if you want to do a “real” simulation. But they can be turned off for model development purposes, such as testing advection from initial and boundary conditions.
“Zeroing out” emissions is conceptually different. That involves reading in emissions files, then setting the emissions for certain species, sources, regions, or whatever to 0. That is achievable using the new DESID feature.
But if you want no gridded or in-line point source emissions whatsoever, then it is easier to set the corresponding environment variables (listed above) to 0.
It is confusing to refer to “SMOKE input files” – that normally means input files for running SMOKE rather than the outputs of SMOKE, which are then used as inputs for CMAQ.